Project Management

Project management is one of our expert fields which driven to carry out the project successfully. SIGMA is committed to satisfy your need and together we bring you the best solution to power your business. From the start until completion, we will serve you with a better service including knowledge transfer, sharing skills, experience and etc

According to several international studies, almost 50% of IT projects are run over time and/budget. Total 1 over 4 IT projects did not meet the actual implementation. This low success rate cause from the poor visibility of IT project status and a lack of management control over them. Michael Krigsman from the article 'Beyond IT Failure' explain that the primary reasons for the budget over-spend is as a result of poor forecasting (50%), project scope increasing during implementation (39%) an ​d issues of interdependencies and conflicts between multiple projects (36%). This isn't helped by the lack of visibility and control that CIOs have over their project portfolios -40% of IT directors don't have complete visibility over the initiatives they are running, so cannot see when projects are threatening to run over budget. 

Indeed there's more to successfully transferring ideas and business needs into a fully implemented application than developing skills alone! In the complete projects that are assigned to us, all of our expertise and experience regarding project management, business and functional analyses, functional and technical design, planning, development, testing, documentation, user education, implementation, and software maintenance culminate into what really differentiates us from most of our competitors.

Our Project Coaching model offers the solution for turning your IT department into a skilled and experienced project team, without the risk of sacrificing the projects on the route towards, this goal, having to live with the consequences of unfortunate decisions at the start for many years to come, or damaging managements and end users confidence in the IT department and applied technology beyond repair. In this solution, we aim at transferring our vast knowledge and experience to your team as fast as possible, so they can be totaly independent as fast as possible, but only when your entire team is fully prepared for it.